VIZAGVISION:”STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARDS-17″ VISAKHA DISTRICT TROPHY Organizing by CATTAIN,Visakhapatnam..STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2017 (VISAKHA DISTRICT ) is student encouragement event which organized by CATTAIN IT LABS. The event main intention to find the best students in the VISAKHA DISTRICT in individual departments. This is totally a student encouragement program to identify the talents in individual within the VISAKHA DISTRICT this event makes every student aware of the industrial spectrum and the demand of skill in the market. As it is student oriented program to identify the best student among all colleges(Engineering & Degree)within VISAKHA DISTRICT we are conducting a common exam where registered students have to attend the exam in online and they have to score minimum marks for qualify to attend the final subject oriented test which is offline conducted in different colleges. We believe industrial growth is depended on the quality of education and awareness about the market situations to make our country grow as all Indians dream. We believe this kind of encouragement programs will make student think about their dream achievements in better way build their career along with well knowledge.So that’s the reason officially we are enouncing the Cash prize of 1,00,000 INR(With STUDENT OF THE YEAR2017(VISAKHA DISTRICT to the best student scored highest marks in their exam and the top ten students which are shortlisted will be getting enouncing Cash prize of 10,000 INR(With STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARDS VISAKHA DISTRICT TROPHY)from various departments.
We just request you all to be share this valuable information to the students to apply for this exam for win the trophy & make this event success.