Blood Donation Camp Organised at Naval Station Bheenunipatnam,Vizagvision…
As part of Navy Week Celebrations, a Blood Donation Camp was organised at Naval Station Bheemunipatnam on 29 Nov 20. Surgeon Rear Admiral CS Naidu, VSM, Command Medical Officer (CMO), Eastern Naval Command inaugurated the camp which was conducted in collaboration with M/s AS Raja Voluntary Blood Bank, Visakhapatnam following all COVID19 safety precautions. The camp witnessed an overwhelming response from amongst the uniformed and Defence Civilian personnel and families with a participation of 204 enthusiastically volunteering towards this noble cause.
Speaking at the occasion, Surg Rear Admiral CS Naidu, brought out the shortfall of blood in the city during COVID19 Pandemic particularly for people with blood-related diseases such as Hematological problems and Thalassemia who need a regular blood transfusion in the city. He added that ENC has been conducting Blood Donation Camps regularly and as part of Navy Day Celebrations of Eastern Naval Command this year, over 1000 naval personnel and their families have donated blood during blood donation camps organized at Visakhapatnam by the Eastern Fleet, Naval Dockyard, INS Vishwakarma, INS Dega in addition to INS Kalinga. He also highlighted the significance of the invaluable contribution of the Naval Community for humanitarian and social cause towards people of Visakhapatnam district through the Blood Donation camps.